The War in Ukraine: The IAGL’s Response

The International Association of Germans from Lithuania (IAGL) is an inherently apolitical entity. As a not-for-profit organization, it has no political or religious positions or persuasions. However, there are exceptions: condemnation of the Holocaust and the beliefs of the Nazi regime are two examples. Certain moments in history require a universal stance that all reasonable people must acknowledge. 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is one of those moments where we must take a unified stance no matter our political persuasion or lack thereof. 

What Russia has done is inexcusable, intolerable, and immoral. By invading sovereign Ukraine, Russia has threatened the democracy and freedom in Eastern and Western Europe that so many before us lost their lives to promote and protect. 

Free Europe again finds itself fighting a demagogue whose demented ambitions of building a lost Empire are costing the lives of gallant citizens, brave soldiers, and innocent children.  

During this terrifying time, so many displays of hope and unity in Ukraine and around the world show the fierce opposition that Russia's leadership faces. Just a week ago, Prime Minister Morawiecki of Poland, President Nauseda of Lithuania, and Chancellor Scholz of Germany met in Berlin to discuss unified sanctions against Russia.  

This was a particularly poignant moment for our Board of Directors–the three nations of our

ancestors supporting each other in a common cause: to defend and protect a free Europe. Those associated with the IAGL have relatives and friends in danger in Ukraine.

History has shown us the cost of silence, so we must speak out. Our hearts and our support are with the Ukrainian people–for those bravely defending their thriving country and those seeking safety outside its borders. 

We ask our supporters and citizens of the United States, Germany, and Lithuania to voice their opposition to Russia’s leadership and its military actions and to provide support and comradeship to our Ukrainian neighbors and local communities for they need it now more than ever. 

We are all hoping and praying for peace. 

The Board of Directors of the International Association of Germans from Lithuania: 

Owen M. McCafferty II
Cynthia Jacobson
Alvin Hirsch
Randall Kulat
Alan Schlosser


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