
Mitteilungsblatt für die Deutschen aus Litauen.

The Heimatstimme (Homeland Voice) was first published by the Hilfskomitee der Evangelischen Deutschen aus Litauen (Aid Committee of the Evangelical Germans from Lithuania) and then later in conjunction with the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Litauen (Land Association of the Germans from Lithuania.) This monthly newsletter began publication in West Germany in 1949 and was published every month (though some issues covered several months) until the last issue in December of 1970. Included in later editions was a section called Die Raute (The Diamond) which served as the cultural section of the paper. After Heimatstimme was cased, Die Raute continued to be published by the Landsmannschaft on its own several times per year until 2018.

Content in Heimatstimme can vary, though since it was published (especially in the beginning) by the Hilfskomitee, there was considerable content that was religious in theme. However, all issues contain interesting news, information, and stories both contemporary for the time and some from a historical perspective.

Especially valuable for genealogists and family historians are the last pages of each issue, which often contain obituaries, wedding announcements, and search requests for individuals who were missing after the war.

The IAGL would like to thank L. Hirsch and O. McCafferty II for their donations of materials to this collection.

Available Issues of the Heimatstimme